Care and precision
made in germany
From the raw material to the finished part, CNC manufacturing technology, experienced metal processing, and a qualified team come together in our production. This combination ensures that manufacturing is done with care, precision and speed, while ensuring high quality and flexibility.
Zero tolerance
Numerous test and control stations integrated into the production running ensure our high quality standards.
Consistent quality controls
Dimensional accuracy due to modern measuring technology
Strict quality standards
Modern production
CNC machines, experienced metal processing and a qualified team meet together in our manufacturing sector.
CNC machinery
Process reliability
Repeatable, flexible small and large series production
Fine grinding
Final perfection of the surface structure and corrosion protection for a long service life.
Surface finishing
Surface treatment
Highest surface quality
Final assembly
In the last step, our specialists ensure that the manufactured products are correctly assembled, calibrated and stored.
Calibration with special measuring tools
Final inspection / corrosion protection